Ok as far as "Father and Son" pics, this is by far my favorite . He looks so grown up and his little up on the heels Michael Jackson footwork is AWESOME. He really needs his head down holding onto his fedora. Anyway............
Well the Holiday season is upon us once again and as usual it seems like we just had one, but I'm not going to beat the "time flies" horse anymore than it already gets beat this time of year. Anyway... not sure where I'm going with that.
But the good news is Coop is taking solids with his formula, and that's not only helping his relfux a TON, but he's sleeping longer, so me and momma are in better moods also. It's way early for his digestive system to be having cereal, but it's way easier on him that that relflux. Talk about sad and painful looking.
But anyway, hopefully this three day week will fly by and I'll be up on the roof cussing whilst (that's right WHILST) trying to put up Christmas lights in no time!
Then it's Bedlam. Orange Power bitches. Sorry Sooners, this is the one time of the year when I'm rootin against ya. No hard feelings? I hope we can still be friends.