I love to gamble, you all know that. Poker, Sports Betting, Entertainment Betting, and........... PROP Bets!! And I have quite a doozie on my hands.
So for those of you who don't know, there's a 5K run every October in Norman known as the "Monster Dash". There's also a 1 mile "fun run" for the kids to participate in, and lots of them wear there costumes(The run is always held very close to Halloween).
So I say, why let the kids have all the fun, why can't I wear a costume?? After all, a 5K is just 3 fun runs anyway. And since it's me, you know I can't just stop there :)
So I made a bet with by bro that I run the race, and then match that time the next year............ in a Hot Dog Costume.
Take this:

And add this:

Make sense?? So I will use this blog to update you guys on my training, with pics(of course) and maybe even some training videos.
I'll now take questions:
"Uhh yeah how on earth did you come up with this idea??"
You obv have never met me, next question.
"Ummm ok what do you think your chances are of winning??"
Honestly, it's hard to say.
IF........ if I can train, and run the race injury free, AND it's not a very warm day I feel pretty good about it. But that's two pretty big IFs. I don't have the best knees, and I have had problems with shin splints in the past. I def have a LONG way to go right now as far as training goes.
As far as the weather..... well it's late October, but....... it's Oklahoma, so who knows.
"So wait.......... you made the bet BEFORE you ran the non hot dog suit run?? Who's to say you didn't just sandbag to make the hot dog run a piece of cake??"
Well as with most bets, there's quite a bit of honor involved. And by asking that question, you must not know me too well. But......... to satisfy your stupid question; I, Julian Case, hereby swear on my children's eyes that I ran my hardest :) And my time was 27:52 BTW.
"How much is riding on this??"
"Are you taking any other bets??"
I'm taking any and all bets against my being able to do it, and I'm willing to negotiate other bets that don't interfere with my original bet.
That's all for now, expect updates as they come. GL me!!